Millions March, Oakland - Visuals of Protest

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and regarding the recent events with Mike Brown and Eric Garner cases I feel like I've had more than my share of words to say. Injustice, inequality, this is not news. But lately the nation seemed to of woken up from a long slumber and now cases like these matter. Not only that, but the topics of race inequality in America have once again been put front and center. Hopefully this time we can finally heal and become united.

I have never participated in a protest, and I'm at an age now where I probably won't participate in many more. But I did want to help some how. Considering that I'm a photographer who lives in Oakland, I thought the best way to help is to take pictures of the positive parts of this larger than life movement. 

What really had me wanting to go was to see how these protests actually looked in person rather than by what our media shows. Looking at media the only parts of a protest I tend to see are the non-peaceful parts. When I was there I did not see any media outlets there. Everyone knew about the nation wide protest. The march from Berkeley to Oakland was publicly shared on social media. So why do I see absolutely no local media at this day time protest? It almost seems as if only the bad elements are the ones the media wants to show.

There was not many police out. No lines of officers in anyone's face. Just a few officers standing to the side observing, and of course officers stationed on the streets to block of traffic so the protesters could march and rally. This protest as you'll see in the pictures was clearly to focus on the kids, the youth.

I don't attend night time protests, I don't see the point in protesting at night time. This seems to be asking for trouble, marching around at a time when looters would most likely want to destroy property in the protection of dark lit streets. Most people are in their homes already while protesters march down business areas that have fewer people to witness their chants. So for me, this was an ideal way to protest. It was a bit disorganized, since you can tell there are many differently led protests going on at once. Lots of different groups, not one main leader. 

I'd like to thank both my twin 15 year old daughters. A few higher view shots and some video footage was only possible thanks to them helping.
